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"Reading & Writing" started its activity in May 2006. Originally through the internet, it supplied her customers with ergonomic products that help in reading and writing. Due to the demand developed by the wholesale department, in February 2010, the retail store was opened in Piraeus. The growing demand from our customers and customers from far distant areas has prompted us to go to a larger store on Thivon Street 138 in Ag. J. Renti. The products handled by the company, either from abroad or from the Greek market, are ergonomic, useful, functional, of high aesthetics, attentive quality and affordability.

Products that contribute to education and prevent or solve problems caused by wrong ways of reading and writing. Nature has not created man for sedentary activities. Instead, it has "designed" the human body to move freely. Ergonomics now directs design to school and office and identifies the ideal job. Ergonomics is a Greek word and consists of the words "work" and "law". That is, the science that studies the laws that govern the production of a work by man.


Failure to apply Ergonomic Principles involves:

  • Reduced job satisfaction.
  • Large absenteeism rates.
  • Increased exit rates.
  • Decreased performance.
  • Myosceletical problems.
  • Problems in the sensory organs.
  • Permanent damage, "accidents" and damage to equipment.
  • Large Scale Accidents.

“Reading and Writing” continues to look for solutions, products and applications that make our workplace (school - home - office) more efficient, enjoyable, making reading and writing a relaxing and attractive occupation.